VTAD Election Process and Board Roles


Hello I am Elena Shapiro, Ex Officio for VTAD. Ex Offico – means former President supporting existing board. I am here to explain about the event this Saturday Jan 6 1-4. Purpose of the meeting is hear a presentation about Restorative Justice and for election of new officers.

This event will be at the Old Barre Hall same place where DVAS soup kitchen was held recently and in the past years. After the election we will have ASL hang out. Hope you will stay for the social afterwards.

I will talk about the election process and expand more about the different Board roles.

First who can run and how does it work. Any one can nominate. Can let us know ahead of time or you can show up that day and nominate someone. You can nominate yourself. There is no restrictions with nominations. Two run, you must be present in person to run for office. You can join the zoom meeting and observe but you must be present in person to run for office.

Who can vote for officers – those members who have been members in the last two years. That membership expires this saturday. To get in the cost for current members is free. For those who are not members, you can pay for membership and it will take effect after the election for two years. Cost is $20 for VT residents. $15 for Seniors and $40 for those living out of state. You can pay cash, check, cashapp or venmo.

For this saturday, the board election, Officer roles are explained here.

President is responsible for everything outside. Legislative issues, Particpate in monthly meetings with Vancro Advisory committee, Deaf Blind HH Task force committe, NAD Region 1 meeting, FEMA Meeting, VTAD Monthly board meeting as well as attend Deaf Blind HH ++ annual event, Brattleboro Deaf Club events and much more. Attend the NAD BiAnnual National conference and town hall meetings.

Vice President – Support President and sub committes as needed. Oversees Legislative agenda and VTAD events. Respond to Emails, and phone calls if needed. Follow up to clarify with questions and referenes.

Secretary – Note taking for all VTAD meetings, Respond to all phone calls and emails. Request sponsorships and write thank you letters for donations. Secretary is also responsible to post on Website, and social media.

Treasurer – Attend all events and responsible for all admissions. If treasurer cant attend, someone else on the board can do so. File Annual taxes and state documents to ensure State Non Profit and 501c3 status. Pay for all Yolanda Henry Community Funds to Vancro. Maintain budget. We oversee VTAD budget, Vancro YHCF budget and Deaf Blind interpreting budget.

Member at large (MAL) is out in the community sharing information with members. Bringing information back to the board for any concerns. Mal supports us at events and represents us in the community. MAL is appointed by board members.

I look forward to seeing everyone this Saturday from 1-4 at the Old Barre Town Hall.

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