Registration open now!
Coming soon, a FREE opportunity for parents/families/caregivers alongside providers and district representatives from around the state to learn about different tools available to assess their child’s education. “Assessing the Quality of D/HH/DB Programs: How do we know if our programs are good enough?” is a three hour workshop where you can learn about “Optimizing Outcomes for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Educational Service Guidelines” (a set of guidelines put together by the National Association of State Directors of Special Education), and the related Vermont Quality Indicator Tool and Checklist. These 3 items together can help ensure quality programming within Vermont schools based on best practices for students who are D/deaf or hard of hearing.
Parent input is a key component of the Quality Indicator Tool, and we at Vermont Hands & Voices feel it is imperative families have the opportunity to learn about things that affect their children’s education in order to effectively advocate for them and make sure their needs are met. These tools can be utilized during EST, 504, and IEP meetings, and when working with your child’s educational team to determine what services and approaches best support your child’s success in school.
WHO: Any parent, guardian or caregiver of a school age child who is D/HH/DB, SPED Director, LEA, SLP, Audiologist, TOD, Communication Facilitator, Educational Interpreter who works with school age children who are D/HH/DB
WHEN: Monday, November 6, 2023, 12:30 – 3:30 pm; Lunch is included
WHERE: Capitol Plaza Hotel, 100 State St, Montpelier, VT (in person)
VIRTUAL ATTENDANCE: a ZOOM option will be available (link will be shared upon registration)
See the attached flier for more information, including speakers and topics covered.