Hello everybody. I am your member at large (MAL) for VTAD.
We would like to remind you to please come on February 11 on the same day as the Super Bowl. We need to get over the election for president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and MAL. We need 40 or more members to show up.
To be clarified, those members who have been members for the last two years. Whoever new members just join, they cannot vote. So, we really need 40 or more people (members) to show up to the election on February 11. Look at the link form. It is for a pizza Super Bowl so please fill out your want to stay and watch the Super Bowl. You don’t have to stay when the election is done.
You can leave or if you want to stay, please fill out a form so they know what kind pepperoni, gluten free, or others. Okay, look forward to seeing you all on Election Day!

Google form Link to RSVP :
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